Sunday, February 11, 2018

She's a little bit sad today

Hi, good morning. I hope that everyone i know are doing good today. I hope you are all in a very good mood and happy.

She wants to be happy too. In order to be happy, she needs to get rid of all the negativity around her. Sabar is all she can do. But, have you ever get so angry and starts to cry? Well that's how she feels right now. She knows the person who hurts her feeling memang macam tu. She knows that person for 22 years already. And she knows his behavior so well. She knows that he hurt others' feeling too. She's growing up, and she gets angry too. She's no longer a little kid yang manja and look innocent. She's fierce yet somehow get hurts by other's words too.

So why can't people be quiet if they can't be kind? Why people choose to hurts other's feeling instead of cakap baik baik? Do we have to pay for all the kindness that we give to people? Kalau setiap kali buat baik and you'll be rewarded with money, I bet there will be no or less crime kat dunia ni. Even buat baik tak dapat duit, but still dapat pahala right? 

This is why she change herself. She still wants to look happy infront of everyone, she will try to be kind to everyone and keep smiling no matter how hurt she is. But, she has feelings too. She'll cry too. But not infront of people, she no longer want to look weak. She is stronger than she've been before. If she starts to tell you about her day, her feelings, her problem and starts to cry, you must be those people she trust and comfortable with. She is thankful that she has people who can make her happy, that's how she forget her sadness. That's how she live her life.

And she'll start typing whenever she don't feel like talking to anyone, but still want to express her feeling. Honestly, she feels better now. She hopes that this world is full with kind people and sincerely happy with their life. And she hope that she is one of them.

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Phone rosak lagi :')

Tbh, idk whether it's me yang tak reti pakai phone or every phone yang aku pakai were meant to be broken as broken as my heart. Lol. Or maybe aku yang tak sesuai pakai iphone sebab phone asus ke samsung ke elok je tak rosak pun. Eh yeke, entah lah dk dc. But honestly, every phone yang aku sayang yang memang nak jaga betul betul mesti akan rosak why ah? :( Lepas ni tak nak sayang apa apa dah hmmm. If possible I just want to use 3310 ke public phone ke, tapi tulah sekarang ni whatsapp tu dah macam benda paling penting damn. Even though aku pun dah jarang on whatsapp but still penting okay apa apa information yang penting semua kat situ. 

Okay sekarang ni my phone yang aku sayang sangat tu dah jadi biru sebiru phone itu hurm hurm. Dia tiba tiba jem so i just lock lah and try on balik, but then it turn blueeeee (just like my wallpaper). Tapi whatsapp apa semua masuk je sebab petang tadi ada orang call i think my mom, tapi tak boleh nak angkat. Before this kalau screen rosak boleh je angkat call even screen tak nampak apa apa. And i've try tukar sim card kat phone asus, data dia keluar okay 4G, but then nak bukak playstore nak install whatsapp tak boleh, what the heck? But bila on hotspot okay pulak connect kat laptop ni alahai dugaan apakah ini :') 

So kawan kawan yang dikasihi, sorry tak respond if ada yang contact. Kalau urgent sangat call je, sebab dah masuk sim kat phone lain. It just I used this phone just like 3310 sebab tak boleh nak on internet and wifi kat rumah ni dah tak ada. Rn i will just wait until phone tu mati and try on balik if dia okay and back to life alhamdulillah i will jaga elok elok, campak atas katil pun tak dah lepas ni. Letak elok elok and jaga sebaik mungkin :') Tapi kalau tak okay jugak i will repair you okay babyyy, kalau dah tak boleh buat apa tengok lah macam mana hmmm. Harapnya sim ni elok lah please, dia macam bias tau taknak on data kat phone asus ni, kat iphone elok je tak baik betul. 

Okay that's all, bye :)